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Saturday, 31 August 2013


Some days are harder to get myself through than others. Today was one of those days. Some days I have to drag myself through the day, only just holding on with my fingernails to the edge of the cliff. Some days, I feel tired, and worn out, before I even start the day. Today was one of those days. On days like today, the sense of loneliness is intense. Yes, I have God, but sometimes, when you're only just holding onto life itself, you need a 'Jesus with skin on'. And yet if you were to ask me what was wrong, if you were to be 'a Jesus with skin on' to me, I would have no words. I would tell you 'I'm's just a tough day...but I'm ok....'. Because sometimes there are no words. Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on.....a hug....a safe hug.....someone to sit with you a while in your pain. And then night draws in, and my sadness increases, as it does of a night, and I regret not reaching out, not saying 'I need help today......', but who would I say it to anyway? Everyones lives are so full, as they should be. And I feel I can't interrupt that with my pain. So I say 'just a tough day' at the most, or more likely nothing at all, and try to get through the day...try to battle on. And I will be ok....I will.....I have been here many times is a path well trodden.....and I have to rememer that. Remember that there is a tomorrow, and it is often brighter. 

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